In the nihility of I, self swiftly swings in the corridors of their lucid dreams
In the obscuriry of an eye, self quickly shrinks in their perception of my fading themes
In the narrow aisle of their imagination I am formed only as part of their dreams
I enter dreams, it is then that I become
I dont have a body of my own,
so in enigma's tears how will I be calm?
I watch as my impermanent footprints fade as I move into my next clone
This palm lines only a reality I can never experience with fantasies I carry in my bone
My bone molded by an empty sound of a bright tone
heard only when sleep aprroaches an end and dreams escape a dreamer's head
To unseen scapes I fade when they wake up.
With a great deal of suffering being the only thing I can spread
as compassionate butter on my fast braking bread,
they wake up before I could even digetst what I swallowed
Hollowed is my chest as my heart transforms to a spirit they percive as a mare to their dreams.
Intering dreams-
Gastrique's dreams:
I stand firm and listen as darkness paints these words
"Regain your losses, what you lost of course"
I am architectured to a digital fortress with no flaws
A magician with one mighty hand giving to the hidden gods a round of applause
Up floors of uncontable stairs before his eyes I evolve
and then pause and hear a name clipping on my identity without force
I become The Symbologist and read deaf man's signs and calculate the scores
I add reading esoteric scribbles to my daily chores
From the eyes of my environment I disappear,
welcomed to the underworld by 1696 spirits of a hidden firmament
I become a secret away from my society's claws
My brain is now an archive of the 7 universal laws
Visible voices reffer to me as Proffesor Robert Langdon but I act blind to their sounds
and then later realise it was only one voice from the dream crafted passages of his honour that sees great in the wretch I am
Now I'm speaking tongues of my mind to the audience, not knowing that his night is dying into a new day
and I'm about to dissolve soon and meet emptiness as my gloom.
He sees light and enunciates "God made mistakes that man was destined to plot, he failed". I fade.
I enter dreams-
My little sister's dreams:
I appear in the third day of her dreaming, the thirdteenth dream she's having
Her infant body posture oders my sinful arms to pick her up, I'm a brother now
she starres at my flat head and creates a strange hair style with wisdom strands hanging towards my neck
I fall back to her eleventh dream; she is one year old, her eyes are shining with radiant beams of gratitude
as I stretch my arm to offer her my soul candy and ask her to forget about my hair
I teach her how to say hello, I hear her braking it down to two portions so to accomodate her infant tongue
She first says hell and then says awe, she is mostly stuck on the hell part
being impetiant as she is, she wrapps silence over my mouth with an ineffeble awe
later gets tired of that and decides to jump into a dream with my little brother and not me
I once again fade...
In the nihility of I, self swiftly swings in the corridors of their lucid dreams
In the obscuriry of an eye, self quickly shrinks in their perception of my themes
In the narrow aisle of their imagination I am formed only as part of their dreams
I enter dreams-
Wordbender's dreams:
The room is clear of any distructions, I toss a question so I could Join him
"What are you doing" the air gets dim, "I am listening to my fan" his response brushes the air to gleam
"Count me in" I conjure my long abandoned smiles and join in because I can
I'm a man in the position of a writer fighting with my father using biblical scriptures as fatal weapons
Raptures of unseen fractal caldrons boil my thoughts, I'm writing my retaliation
It's Trojan war. Bender hears me say "Gospel is Goth" and he likes it.
Now we share the same spirit, exchange digits, the bond gets instatly solid and we can't believe it
We both escape the fixed numbers of our families and become brothers
We are siblings, synonymously traveling the psychopath and semulteniously see all these miriculous things
I step in a room and detect residues of negative energies,
It is a second layer of his dream
My father wants me to quit art and become a scientist
He says I'm unconsciously losing my intellectual abilities
Now the dream turns to a mare, Bender kicks sleep out of his mind
but he doesn't realize that he's still in a dream and all that was just a poetic freestyle
The story of candy is born so I can't stay in his dream due to the lack of space
I am replaced by a poem in his head, he awakes to jot it down and I fade
I enter dreams-
Paulo Coelho's dreams:
He doens't know my name and doesn't even make an effort to give me one
I follow Santiago through his pilgrimage and burn my unreal hands trying to transform lead
I see my self as the other within the other, a distruction to self
I'm an annoying sound in the second mind, so I learn channeling and how to see my angel
but he cannot dream me to that far because there are certain charpters I misread
However I'm glad he has now found a name for me, He calls me Reader and I'm satisfied with that
He has a lot to dream about so it doesn't matter how many books I've read with his name on, he's got to dream on
He promises to return the day I turn lead into into gold, but I tell I'm just a reader and that's perfect with me
His dream is now shut, I rotate in limbo. I'm no where.
In the nihility of I, self swiftly swings in the corridors of their lucid dreams
In the obscuriry of an eye, self quickly shrinks in their perception of my themes
In the narrow aisle of their imagination I am formed only as part of their dreams
entering dreams-
Mutle's dreams:
I gain motion as he advances to a statue ornamenting my pilgrimage. the statue speaks;
"Please help me find a potion to make me smart enough to fit through the cracks in the walls"
I'm walking towards my self in the approaching ages,
My under-developed mind cannot hadle these images,
Massages from his creations can only be deciphered by retarded sages
Stages of insanity are growing less as I listen to inaudible hyms from above streams of a watery heaven
Having cautiously collected all I could from the definitions in the magazine of the blind
I build my self a novel haven
Clocks hit seven, it's time for him to get deep, now his about to sleep, I realize that I had not been in his dream
I hold the hadle of the door opening to his dream abode, the handle is hot, I cannot handle it
Open the door Phoenix!
I finally lose my right hand to flames, The room grows and I shrink, his dreams get bigger and I'm getting smaller
I decide to voluntarily jump out of his dream and find something my one left hand can hold.
I have no body of my own
So I now search for someone that can embody my soul
The All: Saint Of The Silent Gods
I sneak into the garden of her dreams since the scarecrow is not looking
Plant a seed that will intertwine my near destiny with hers
I'm empty of all my knowladge because I appear always in the fullness of her moon
Its an astrological conspiracy, I'm locked in the 28th planet of her universe
I ask her out.She tells me my mind is too limited for her reality
So there's no greater reality for me than this dream, we can't go out
Lets spend our time inside. "why take me out when you can keep me intact in the roots of your soul?
To that idea I'm now sold, days unfold I die out of myself and reborn inside her
We are an Epic of the gods, stories untold. We can only be seen with an open heart.
I stand bold and feel immortal, no ocean is too deep to drown my soul, I can swallow it whole.
I am The All.
Being the all means I'm everything, the roof and its flaws,
I mess her dream up and rudely she dreams me out of her head and I'm gone
down to her heart and soul.
I appear in the next dream just to tell her that
If what we have isn't love, then love does not exist.
Emptiness takes its place
And like scars on palms I fade within the lines
The audible scents of the new day are crawling with the soft knees of light rays towards my face
I also wake up from their dreams and realize that I've been living my life based on what my environment percives of me
It is time to wake up and wrap awareness around my head with self-knowladge as my pillow
So I could voluntarilly sleep and dream my life anew...